Giant steps

Product Description

Category: Game of skill
Group size: 2 to 6 players


Pitch structure:

1. Equipment: rope, rope rings
2. Field size: A few meters of space in an area
3. Structure:

o A rope marks the starting point of the course and the rope rings are placed on the ground distributed, they serve as steps or treads.

Rules of the game:

1. Start of the game:
o A player determines the size of the steps and sets the course by choosing the
Set up rope rings at the desired distance.

2. Goal:

o The aim of the game is to go through the course by only stepping into the rope rings, without touching the ground in between.

3. Gameplay:

o Each player tries to master the given course by just clicking on the rope rings.
o Then it is the next player's turn.

4. win:

o The game continues in turn until there is only one player left who still has life.
This player wins.

Beethovenstraße 6
63768 Hösbach
+49 151 68425466